Saturday, February 5, 2011

I won the Minigore Monster Contest !

My favourite ! (finger/ipad/brushes app)
The fingerpainting above and the following stuff were part of my entry for the contest (cf previous post)
The goal was to design a monster for the game Minigore, I chose to create that deceitful Granny Gore -a kind of Grandma very fond of clovers. Hope you like it, as the guys from Minigore !  
Peacefully grabbing clovers... (ipad)
Some odd doodles (ipad again)
And some ballpoint pen sketches !

The 1st price was a Wacom Intuos 4, I just received it! For now I've got no painting software to use with, but as soon as I get photoshop or sketchbook pro I rush on it !


  1. Je me baladais et je dois dire que ton travail vaut le détour =)
    C'est touchant cette petite tombe et cette grosse et pourtant tendre chose. Et puis surtout ça me fait beaucoup rire. Bravo!

  2. congradulations onwinning post some pics of the Wacom Ibtios on tha blog.

  3. @Anonymous, thanks! I'll post some pics as soon as possible.

    @Marilou, merci l'artiste ! Ca fait plaisir les coms comme ça ;)
