Thursday, October 20, 2011

Avis à la population

Ceci est un post publicitaire: moi-même, ainsi que l'artiste Yvonne Raftery, parlerons de peinture sur iPod à l'Apple Store Carrousel du Louvre ce mercredi 26 octobre, à partir de 16h. Au menu: présentation / explication de nos travaux, puis démonstration de dessin sur l'application Brushes. Soyez curieux, venez nombreux !

This is an advertising post: the iArtist Yvonne Raftery and myself are talking about fingerpainting on iPod at the Apple Store Carrousel du Louvre, on october the 26th, from 4 to 5 pm. On the menu: presentation of our works, then a fingerpainting demo on the Brushes app. Be curious, we're expecting you !


  1. found you via flickr group.
    Happy to be following. xx

  2. Cheers ! Stay tuned, I might not update before long (alot to do with school). I just bookmarked your website, very nice watercolor stuff btw.
